Hello parents and new Gainesville FFA members,
There are a few jackets that may be borrowed from the FFA chapter, but they are limited. Students are responsible for the dry-cleaning of a jacket if they spill something on it. Jackets are expected to be returned to the ag closet within 1 school day of them being borrowed.
*If you want to add your office or year, please do so in the front line 2 or 3. It is not recommended to add your year until it is your senior year, or if you plan on purchasing a new jacket next year.
Men's Tie (DO NOT order a clip-on tie) : PATTERN FFA TIE - 404 (shopffa.org)
Women's Scarf: STRIPED WATERFALL SCARF NAVY/ - GS2-4000 (shopffa.org)
Website designed by: Wieghat Graphics